Wednesday 20 January 2010

Adjusting the Turning Resistance on your MBS Channel Trucks

From an old MBS brochure that  came with my original Comp 16, a handy chart detailing how you can increase or decrease your board turning resistance.  In summary to increase turning resistance you can:
a) Position your springs in the outer holes
b) Change your egg shocks from None to Yellow to Orange to Red
c) Compress your springs using a suitable allen key

PS, Don't forget the washers - crucial for preventing sudden spring decompression as the top-hat thread disengages! Just ask KMC's Simon.

1 comment:

smilie said...

I like it how they forgot to mention you kinda have put a bit of compression on the springs. Other wise your eggs are just going to rattle around doing nothing :-)

Far better these days to throw the springs away and just use stiffer eggs. al West Coast Truck Co.