Friday 1 January 2010

2010 and all that!

All the best everyone for 2010! Last year has a lot to live up to but there are some great things on the horizon.  For example, I haven't blogged so much over the past week or so due to this fella making an emergence:

Will he be likes his mothers side of the family and be a fisherman, or will he be like his daddys side of the family and be a boarder??  Either way, give it a few years and we'll get to find out!  Though I'd be chuffed if he became a boarder (Uncle Rob has already offered to teach him snowboarding), in the meantime I'd be happy if he slept between 11pm and 7am!

I've added some code to this site so that firstly I can keep track on how many people visit the site and where they came from, just for curiosities sake.  To be honnest, I'm not fussed at this stage on getting loads of followers or hundreds of hits, but occasionally, when I do spend half an hour on a post it's nice to know that people do read it!  For now I'm averaging around 10 page views a day according to sitemeter rising to 53 visits when the Macclesfield Forest write up was posted.

Sitemeter also revealed that visitors to the site weren't visiting other pages within the site so further code was added from to add automatic related posts at the end of each post.  Lets see if any of this works!  Otherwise, I'll have to resort to quality posts and media - oh noes! : D

So, 2009 as mentioned was a quality year for both me personally (married, wife pregnant, birth of first child) and for boarding and though I don't have time to summarise right now (a distinct smell is heading this way...) Roger S has compiled an excellent review here.   As I personally attended two of the events listed, I certainly can vouch for its awesomeness!

And for 2010?  Well, there's plenty of activity going on through ATBA as well as anything else that may be organised by the BFC etc.  In the meantime, find locations and mountainboard centres from here!

See you on a hill soon!


smilie said...

congratulations and a happy new year to you and your new family.

Here's to hoping your blog carries on with all the board-ey goodness we have read into 2010.



Admin said...

hey Ade, congrats on having a new bubba! All the best mate :)
ps ride more, blog less LOL