Friday 12 February 2010

Pete Tatham talks about the origins of Mountainboarding

Short extract, but nicely shot film featuring Pete Tatham of noSno talking about the origins of mountain boarding.  Forms part of the DVD "Big Air" as produced by Five Element Productions.
Contains some lovely fast shots of what appears to be Cleeve Hill.  Enjoy!

Big Air from Five Element Productions on Vimeo.

Knackers, video embeding not allowed here.  Please view the video in its original location here:

The Trailer can be viewed below:

Big Air can be purchased from ATBShop from here.  Haven't watched it so if it's any good please let me know!


mutley said...

Yea it is Cleeve although he pounds the breakers a little harder than me !

smilie said...

sweet case! it's not long enough more of pete shredding in the woods needed.

If only there I could find away to get us and friends on some kind of digital disk thingy ;-)

AdeMcC said...

"If only there I could find away to get us and friends on some kind of digital disk thingy ;-)"

I'd pay $5 for a digital download link!

smilie said...

go on pete or dave if you out there help us all get a copy we can play without needing some kind of tape playing device.

I still reckon it's one of the mountainboard vids of all time.