Thursday 4 September 2008

Kelstedge Mountainboard Centre

Slightly out of order from my intentions but I'm doing a spot guide to Kelstedge Mountainboard Centre (KMC) as they close this season at the end of September and I didn't want to leave this till next year. I was hoping to write an introduction to mountain boarding first before doing this but hey ho!

Anyways...KMC is where I learned to mountain board back in September 2006. Pretty much all you need to know can be found through the website LINKY including opening times, prices, etc.

I really like the place as the people are friendly, I can get there in around half an hours drive, and most of the features are challenging enough for me but I know that I'm not going to kill myself. They also allow me to pay up front so I don't need to remember cash each and everytime.

Features include large grassy slope to learn the basics up to 2 man boarder-x and freestyle area. There is also a nice freeride bit that I really need to get my arse over sometime soon.

Numbers fluctuate but there are usually between 6-12 on the slope not incuding those having lessons. The quietest times are when GCSE's/A-level exams are in place. On many occations I am far from the youngest there which makes a change from the skate scene.

All good fun unless you expect nothing less than that seen at the Fat Face comps.


Any general questions leave a response or call the number on the website and ask for Mishy or Steve or reply and arrange a visit with me sometime. As stated above, the centre will close after the last week in September and will (hopefully) reopen around April of next year. Note that all equipment is hire-able unless you have your own kit in which full pads (helmet, wrist guards, elbow pads, knee pads and heel straps/leash) are a requirement. KMC is only normally open at weekends, but negotiations with cash is possible! Also note that there is no credit card facilities on site so it's cash or cheque all the way!

I'll add more / edit to make more pretty / edit to make more legiable as and when I get opportunity.

EDIT: KMC reopens 2nd May 2009 - WooHoo!


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