Tuesday 10 August 2010

Behold the Short Trousers of Dooom!!!

Eagle-eyed readers may think that these 'Short Trousers of Dooom!!!' are just a pair of shorts with a bit of leather stitched to the left arse cheek, secured with a bit of super glue here and there.

And they'd be right except that the headline 'old pair of shorts gets a new lease of life' doesn't sound quite so exciting.

And, how many power slides do you think it'll take to rip the leather clean off revealing a large hole and exposing my delicate bum flesh and/or rapidly deteriorating Hillbilly impact shorts?  Not many I guess, mainly because I know the quality of the leather stitching isn't that great, and because my power slides, though effective, are technically harsh on the buttocks, resulting in the hole in the first place.

Perhaps a new pair of shorts is in order - they usually last me a season.

Thinking out loud, a friend of my dad's an expert in leather printing, leading me to wonder just how many boarding folks would want their respective logos printed in leather?  Could be a nice novelty but quite hard wearing which always helps in this game.  All I know is that he's called Peter and he works with leather, and the internet being what it is, I'm reluctant to type 'leather' into Google...


Mountainboard said...

ha love it


the 6th degree said...

You should go for a full pair of leather shorts - they'd last ages! And not in the least bit gay....honest.

AdeMcC said...

Why stop at just the shorts, I reckon a whole outfit would do the job - very hard wearing!