Monday 24 May 2010

Life on Balance (Board)

Despite the wife giving me 3 hours to go and do whatever I wanted, it was far to hot for me to go and carve up some hills, so spent the weekend doing a little exploring, bit of trig-point searching (I'm not trespassing, honest!) and bit of wobbling around on the Comp 16/ plastic bottle balance board.
I keep my eye out for drainage pipe, but no such luck.  Doesn't really matter as the wife gets through a bottle every couple of days so there's usually a stack of them out the back.  My set-up is certainly easier to use than the scrub version they had knocking round KMC back in the day, but it's also cheaper and I normally get around half an hours wobbling before the bottle gives up.

In other news, went to see a Chiropractor for the first time last week following a twinge after picking up a small lunch box.  I figured that after years of crashing my board in various ways, years of humping stuff round building sites and months of lifting baby Ethan in 'the wrong way', that something must be up with me.  Took £42 and an hour to say that on the whole I was okay, if a little stiff.  This is fair enough - I don't tend to stretch ever.  It's probably why my left achilles tendon doesn't feel too good either, but that's another story.  Anyway, I wasn't at all surprised that I was recommended a few weeks treatment just to see what happens.  I get the picture that I'm going to spend around £100 just to be told that my back is exactly the way it should be for a thirty-something.  But does chiropractory work?  Does it work like a placebo?  Will it work if deep down, I don't believe that it will work?  I've had one manipulation so far with another two on Thursday.  Watch this space.

Elsewhere, after wondering why the BFC had the website printed on their latest DVD 'We'll apologise later' when the link didn't work......suddenly the link does work.  Welcome back BFC!  Well worth a gander and a bookmarking for some quality pics and a nice Nicky Stirrups video.

This weekend - 29th and 30th May 2010: IRONSIDES Court Farm Mountainboard Centre, Tillington Herefordshire HR4 8LG for Round 2 of this years ATBA-UK International Mountainboard series.  Got another pass out from the misses so look forward to seeing a load of you there.  Intention at the moment is to get there on the Friday for a bit of a practice as I've not been to Court Farm in a couple of years.  Only thing I can think right now is that with all this good weather recently, its going to be fast.

Word on the street is that there is the possibility of a few people camping in Cannock Chase towards the end of June for a weekends session in the woods.  I've been a couple of times as written up here and had a blast each time so keep your ear to the ground, or alternatively, visit the SD forum thread here.

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