Thursday 5 January 2012

New Year Stuff

2011 - What a year!  And I'm not the only one with Roger 'LeapB4ULook' and Chris '6th Degree' looking back equally fondly.

But no time to reminisce...2012 is here!  No point making definite resolutions since we're all going to die horribly in several apocalypses anyway, so on the off chance that we survive another 12 months, here's the run down of what I'd like to do.... 

Work less!!  Not ride more, as I do quite a lot of that anyway.  No, I'd prefer to work less so that I'm less tired when I do ride.

Ride more often at Hales Superbole.  I love the 'bole and everytime I go, they've built even more stuff.  Plus Mark's a top bloke.  And the BX gets my heart racing a bit too much (in a good way).

Ride at both 'Dave' and Whinlatter for Rounds 1 and 2 of the new UK downhill Series.  Probably not Dunkeld though, it's a bit far for me unless I can convince the family to have a nice holiday up North.

Freeride at:

In general, I'm going to try and film on a semi regular basis, but not so much as it gets in the way of the riding.  Playing with mounts is fun though so this'll keep it all fresh.

Buy some flexi composite axles from noSno.  If I put away a pound a day, I'll be able afford them by August :-D

Plus, I'd like to ride more with more riders in general.  Want to ride with me in the Midlands or can suggest somewhere awesome new to try out?  Please get in touch! So, unless we all die in the meantime, Cheers and happy riding in 2012!

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