Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Stolen Board - Can You Help?

Sad news via the Surfing Dirt forums and discussions via facebook that *WiL* from Remolition has had his TK Pro stolen from his garage last week.

Like many boarders, WiL has customised his board to an extent that it should be recognisable by anyone familiar with the details:

Point being, if anyone tries to sell you a TK Pro, or if you spot someone on a relatively new TK Pro deck who wouldn't normally spend a considerable amount of money on a board, or if you spot one on sale via ebay or craigslist etc then send a message - I'm sure they would love to hear from you.

Edit, looks as though it has turned up through Cash Converters on ebay!  Fingers crossed WiL gets his paws on it soon but follow the story on the SD thread here:

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