Monday 22 November 2010

Longboard-Sessions Safety Guide

A nice longboard safety guide from the people from website has recently surfaced, with good information and common sense that also crosses over into other board sports.  All round, a good guide into surviving another day in environments where hard things come into contact with soft things and bad things happen....

All good advice here, reminding us that situational awareness for you and those around you is never a bad thing, and a system where everyone knows the rules before setting off makes total sense.

"Don't use 'go' - sounds like 'no'"

...personally, I quite like a good old 'left' or 'right' so at least people know which side I'll be hitting them from :-)

For everyone else who doesn't know, it's worth registering just to see if there are any other groups in the region as well as getting occasional heads-up reminders about any sessions taking place in the near vicinity.  I'm sure the code could be simply applied to other social sports such as mountain boarding with a little bit of of time, unfortunately, the one thing I don't have loads of :-(

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