Sunday 17 October 2010

Plymouth University ATB in the Midlands

I'm a big supporter to going out and riding with other people at other people's spots.  It's good for riding new terrain, broadening your horizons and meeting new people (obviously!).
It's also great when new people come and session your local spot.  It's very easy to get stuck into riding similar lines over and over and sometimes looking at what you already have with fresh eyes can really add new life to a location.

So it was this weekend when I heard that Mark, Morgan and Simon from PUATB were in the area and could I suggest some local spots.  Hmmm, always tricky when you don't know peoples skill level, expectations or riding styles  - "one mans awesome is another mans lame" and all that.

Allestree Park was suggested.  It is local, easy to get to; has a couple of ramps and drop off's for those who like a bit of air; it has the golf fairways for beginners or those that like big carving sessions with a few bunkers thrown in; and for everyone else, it has the woods.
Now, I like the woods.  It has a distinct lack of golfers, and has lots of lines for you to shake a stick at.  Fortunately, the Plymouth lads liked the woods too and watching the three of them riding three different lines down was a joy to behold.  I was less impressed with the three bikers straight-lining it from top to bottom, brakes screeching all the way.  Gah!  Though what they made of us speed-checking and interlacing through the trees without brakes, I don't know.

It's a shame I couldn't stay out longer than an hour or so.  Not only was the mother-in-law over (yes a good excuse to stay out, but it looks suspicious if she turns up and I immediately go out boarding), but I'd only padded up lightly assuming incorrectly that the lads would do what the majority of the locals do and stick to the golf course.  Daft really as I can't resist a bit of freeride and bashed my knee in the process.  Idiot!!
Hey ho, nice little session, great to meet the lads, and I understand their plan of action was to carry on up into the peak district for a bit of riding / camping / riding. Hope this all worked out well!

We had a bit of filming in the woods that may or may not turn up in the future.  In the meantime, if you want to check out some of PUATB's recent exploits, then I suggest you check out their website:
which has plenty of videos to be getting on with.

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